Our studio provides barre classes by certified barre instructors with experience and certification in a variety of methods including Barre Intensity, American Barre Technique, etc. What makes our barre classes unique is the focus on form. It can be typical at large franchise yoga studios to feel “lost in the crowd” or the pace of the class. Our barre classes appeal to the individual, rather than the masses. All of our classes are small class size (never more than 15 people), and our focus is on form! If we have to spend longer in certain exercises to explain or ensure clients are in the best form, we will do so. Our clients describe our barre classes as “intense but relaxing.” Because our teachers are trained in a variety of methods, each class is completely different! Our classes are longer in length and include more stretching sections of class than typical franchise barre workouts. Our barre classes are intended to lengthen and tone muscles and you will shake or sweat! Just like our yoga classes, all of our barre classes are open level and our instructors are well versed in providing modifications to newbies if needed, or options to increase the intensity of each exercise. We welcome you to try this amazing workout that anyone can do! Barre workouts are low impact, meaning they do not put any strain on the joints, and even clients with injuries or physical limitations will enjoy this workout and reap the benefits! Typically it takes only a few barre classes to notice a difference in your body!
Benefits of Barre Classes
Strength training • Toning • Caloric burn • Increase flexibility • Improve posture • Stronger core • Variety of classes • Weight loss • More rapid results • Endurance • Mind body connection
bounce barre
Bounce barre is a 45 minute class using the rebounder (mini trampoline) and it includes some barre components such as thigh work, seat, bridges, arm and core warmup, with cardio sprint intervals between using the trampoline. It is low-no impact and a great cardio supplement to our other classes offered.
barre lite
Barre Lite is intended for individuals who want to get into barre, but are not yet ready for a 60-minute class. Barre Lite is a shorter 40 minute class, with exercises that are simpler and do not use props. Barre Lite also includes more stretching.
Cardio barre is more focused on caloric burn and keeping the heart rate up. The movements are usually a bigger range of motion and faster than a typical barre class.